Aboriginal Incursions and Art Workshops

Agreement Terms and Conditions for Bookings

This Agreement will bind the Artist and the Purchaser in relation to the presentation of live ceremony, performance, incursion or workshop by the aboriginal elders, aboriginal performers or aboriginal workshop facilitators here on in known as ‘the Artist’.

Blue Tongue Management Pty Ltd (ABN 526 784 678 95], here in known as the Supplier, is the third party event management, artist management and aboriginal artist talent agency contracting the Artist to the Purchaser. The Supplier facilitates the Artist agreements, contracts and payments for the Artist to facilitate performances, workshops or incursions for the Purchaser and is in no way liable for cancellations or breaches of the terms of this agreement by the either the Purchaser nor the Artist.

‘the Artist' means any Traditional Owner, Aboriginal Elder, performer, cultural leader, dancer, didgeridoo player, songman, art workshop facilitator, traditional cultural leader, musician, band or entertainer.

'the Purchasers' means corporate business, government, university, higher adult education establishment, NGO's and Not For Profit, Sporting club and organisation, Association, small and medium business or any other entity booking the Artist.

This Agreements Terms and Conditions apply to all forms of booking the Artist through the Supplier including our online booking forms, booking agreements delivered by email by the supplier, or through any third party booking platforms with a direct link to these Terms and Conditions asking the Purchaser to accept these Terms and Conditions.

The Booking Agreement, the Terms and Conditions and the Rider will be the entire Agreement between the parties with respect to The Performance, Incursion or Workshop.

By agreeing to these terms and conditions, you the signatory or the written or electronic booking or confirmation correspondent on behalf of the Purchaser, warrants that you have authority to enter this agreement on behalf of the Purchaser and bind the Purchaser in respect of the Purchaser’s agreements made in the Agreement.


1.1 Confirmation
Upon the Purchaser's written request by email to the Supplier to 'confirm' or 'book' the Artist, and upon receipt of the booking agreement and/or invoice to the email address you the Purchaser have provided, it is taken that your written confirmation by the said email is valid and obligatory for the purposes of performance and payments.
1.2 Failure to sign and/or return this Agreement does not represent valid termination of the Agreement if you have confirmed your intent to book by written or electronic correspondence.
1.3 Failure to pay the invoice on the due date does not constitute valid termination of the Agreement if you have confirmed your intent to book by written or electronic correspondence.
1.4 Invoices and Receipts
Tax Invoices will be generated and sent to the email address provided. It is the responsibility of the recipient to make payment on the due date and follow up with a remittance of payment to the email address provided on the invoice, or pass this invoice onto their accounts department to make payment on the due date prior to performance.
1.5 Company Onbording
Should the Purchaser request, demand or force an onboarding process to be implimented by the Supplier, the Purchaser agrees to make the Supplier aware of such procurements prior to booking the service. Should an Onboarding process be be impliemented by the Supplier on behalf of the Purchaser, a one off onboarding fee of $1000+GST will be added to the first invoice from the Supplier and will be paid in full by the Purchaser prioir to performance.

2.1 The Artist will present the Performance at the venue on the date and times specified in the online booking form, in a diligent, professional manner, and to the best of the Artist’s ability. The Artist will have full creative control over the Performance
2.2The Artist must comply with the reasonable safety and procedural directions of the Purchaser for each venue
2.3 The Purchaser will provide the Artist with:
(a) a clean, comfortable and lockable dressing room suitable for up to [10] persons for the exclusive use of the Artist for a minimum period of one hour prior to sound check to one hour post-Performance, washing and toilet facilities, a table and suitable number of chairs, a mirror, fresh towels and power access;
(b) access to the Venue for the Artist, the Artist’s crew and equipment at least [two hours] prior to performance for the purpose of set up and access to allow load out equipment after the Performance;
(c) all necessary staff to ensure adequate supervision of the Venue and security at all times;
(d) a central area in the performance venue, auditorium, office or grounds with access to sufficient power to run audio/visual and lighting equipment/desks if required. If the purchaser is supplying audio/visual and lighting equipment then the Purchaser confirms it will provide suitable first class sound and lighting facilities;
(e) secure parking for all vehicles used by Artists close to stage door or performance area;
2.4 The Purchaser will not commit the Artist to any personal appearances, interviews, or to any other type of promotion without the prior written consent of the Artist.

3.1 The Artist grants the Purchaser the right to use its name and approved photographs, likenesses and biographies to advertise and promote the Performance. The Artist will provide the Purchaser with all relevant publicity materials upon request. The Purchaser will include the name and logo of the Artist on all advertising for the Performance and will not edit or alter such materials except with the express written consent of the Artist. The Artist will have approval over any radio and/or television advertising.
3.2 The Purchaser will comply with all regulations and requirements of any relevant government or union bodies in respect of the Venue and Performance.
(b) the Non-School Purchaser has option to exclude clause 3.3 under limited circumstance and must make this request in writing to This Email by Clicking Here
(c) the Schools Purchaser has option to exclude this clause and can do so in person on the day of performance if deemed not appropriate for students.
3.4 The Purchaser agrees that neither the Performance nor reference to the Artist will be used for the purpose of endorsement of any product or service save with the prior written consent of the Artist. There will be no advertising on stage during Artist’s Performance save with Artist’s prior consent.
3.5 The Artist provides pre-approval too the usage of all photographs or video taken during the Performance in line with and subject to Blue Tongue Management Direct Licensing Policy.

4.1 The purchaser shall pay 100% of the total booking fee at least seven (7) days prior to the performance as dated in this agreement (unless otherwise agreed and noted in the agreement or by email correspondence) as the Purchaser acknowledges the booking as confirmed by email to the Supplier and following delivery of the Agreement and Invoice to the Purchaser by the Supplier.
4.2 The Purchaser shall make payment of The Fee, the Expenses and any other amounts payable to the Supplier (as reflected in the booking agreement) deposited into the correct account prior to performance as dated per invoice supplied to the Purchaser.
4.3 All amounts payable under this Agreement include goods and services tax.
4.4 Should the Purchaser fail to pay any deposits or fees due to the Artist under this Agreement on the dates that they are due, interest will accrue on those overdue amounts on a daily basis at a rate of 10% per annum and administration fees until those amounts and interest are paid in full.

5.1 The Purchaser will provide a safe, secure and properly constructed stage or area for the Performance. The Purchaser will take all reasonable precautions to ensure that any person materially disrupts neither the Artist nor the audience during the Performance. Where the Artist, acting reasonably, regards the security of the Artists or the audience to be endangered, the Artist will be entitled to immediately terminate the Performance.
5.2 The Purchaser and The Artist both agree they each will provide and maintain public liability insurance with a reputable on-shore insurer with minimum insurance limits of $10,000,000 per occurrence, including coverage endorsements for personal injury and property damage;
5.3 The Purchaser warrants that any equipment provided by it will be in good repair and fit for the purpose for which it is provided in accordance with the specifications given by the Artist. The Purchaser confirms that it has a suitable generator for use in the event of a power failure at the time of the Performance to ensure the Performance is not significantly delayed or cancelled.

6.1 The Artist will not be in default under this agreement if:
(a) the Artist terminates the Agreement as at or before 21 days before the Performance;
(b) the Artist terminates the Agreement prior to the Performance due to the Purchaser not performing fully any similar or financial obligations which the Purchaser has to any third party or due to a change in the financial credit of the Purchaser or misrepresentation or impairment of such financial credit and in each instance the Purchaser will not be entitled to any compensation.
(c) the Purchaser makes changes to the scheduled performance start time, rehearsal(s) or sound-check without written notice to the Artist no less than 48 hours prior to agreed performance.
6.2 (a) If the Purchaser cancels the Performance 60 days prior to event date in this agreement for any reason the Artist will be entitled to retain any payments made prior to such cancellation.
(b) If the Purchaser cancels the Performance within 45 days prior to event date in this agreement, the Purchaser agrees to pay the Artist by the due date the full fee together with reimbursement of any expenses incurred or for which Artist is liable.
(c) If the Performance is hampered as a result of any act or omission or of any breach of any term or condition hereunder by the Purchaser or any person, firm or company engaged by or representing the Purchaser, or if the Artist terminates the Performance under Clause 5.1 then the Purchaser shall be liable to pay the Artist the full fee and shall reimburse any Expenses or other sums due to the Artist together with any costs incurred by the Artist as a result of the Purchaser’s cancellation.
6.3 if the Artist fails to carry out the Performance at no fault of the Purchaser, the Artist will return any Fee paid by the Purchaser other than set out in clause 6.1. 
6.4 Either party may terminate this Agreement by giving written notice to the other if that other party breaches any material term of this agreement and where the breach is capable of rectification, having been given 5 days notice requiring the party to rectify its breach, fails to do so. If such termination is by the Purchaser the Artist shall return any Fee paid to such date. If such termination is by the Artist the Artist shall have no obligation to re-pay any sums and the Purchaser will be liable for the full Fee and any Expenses incurred by the Artist to such date.
6.5 The Purchaser acknowledges that in no circumstances will the Artist be liable to the Purchaser for any sums in excess of monies payable to the Artist under this Agreement

7.1 the Artist reserves the right to make artistic and cultural changes to the performance, the programmed content or workshops without notice however, where possible notification of changes will be made. 
7.2 If the Purchaser needs to make changes to the scheduled performance outlined in this agreement, including but not limited to artistic content, start time, rehearsal(s) or sound-check(s), the Purchaser must inform the Artist of such changes no later than 48 hours prior to agreed performance. If the Artist receives Notification of scheduled performance changes received less than 48 hours prior to the event, the Artist will endeavour to make those requested changes. If the Artist can not facilitate those changes refer to section 6.1(c)
7.3 If the Purchaser needs to move the event indoors due to inclement weather, the purchaser must notify the Artist of the move and new venue details no later than 24 hours prior to the event start time. the Artist will endeavour to move to a new indoor premises supplied by the purchaser. If an adequate alternative venue cannot be found, the Artist shall have no obligation to re-pay any sums and the Purchaser will be liable for the full Fee and any Expenses incurred by the Artist to such date. The Purchaser is 100% responsible for inclement weather insurance.
7.4 If the Purchaser needs to postpone the event, due to circumstances beyond its’ control, including war, fire, flood or upon Australian and state government restrictions on public gatherings due to infectious diseases that immediately affect either parties ability to hold the event, the purchaser will re-book the Artist for a new agreed date. Any outstanding fees due for the original agreed date must be paid in full as per supplied invoice to hold the secondary date. 
7.5 If the Purchaser terminates the new secondary agreed date booked as per clause 7.4 for any reason excepting natural disaster or a pandemic lockdown, The Artist shall retain 100% of the agreed fee. The Artist retains the right to offer a third date change at their discretion but is not obligated to do so.

8.1 The Supplier collects information for administering and managing registrations and agreement for the Artist performance, Aboriginal Incursion, Workshop or Event. If you do not provide all the relevant information including your email address your registration may not be confirmed.
8.2 The Supplier is totally committed to protecting the information collected for this purpose and will not make your details available to any third party in any instance. If you wish to access your information or have queries in relation to the way the supplier handles this information, please contact us 0422 973 185.
8.3 The Supplier considers the security of your information to be of paramount importance. Our server uses SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) to connect to our website, encrypts all the information sent from your electronic device. The following indicates that you have entered a secure session:
1. the "https" in place of the usual "http" in your browser address box
2. the small padlock in the left hand side of the address bar of your browser
Both of these secure indicators will be present when you are requested to enter your details.
8.4 Akeeba Security Tool and Comodo SSL Certification
This website has Akeeba Security Tools and Comodo SSL certificate verification to identify this website as an encrypted secure environment in which you can browse and place your information. No amount of protection can eliminate potential cyber threats but we do actively scan and block known threatening IP's and suspicious behaviour.

9.1 Each party (as “Indemnifying Party”) agrees to indemnify and hold the other party and the other party’s employees, agents and contractors harmless against any loss, claim, damage or injury, actual or consequential of whatever kind arising wholly or in part from the default of the Indemnifying Party in complying with the terms and conditions or any agreement, warranty or representation made by the Indemnifying Party in this Agreement or from any trespass, negligent act or omission of the Indemnifying Party, its agents or any person under the Indemnifying Party’s supervision, direction or control, except to the extent any such loss, claim, damage or injury is caused or contributed to by the other party.
9.2 This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the parties relating to the Performance and cannot be altered except in writing signed by both parties.
9.3 The parties agree to keep the terms of this Agreement confidential save in respect of their legal or other professional advisers.
9.4 In the event of international travel that any withholding tax applies in respect of the Fee or any sums due to the Artist the Purchaser will promptly notify the Artist (in good time before date Artist leaves Australia and provide full details of any such tax. The Purchaser will provide all reasonable assistance to the Artist in retrieving such sums and if the Purchaser receives a credit in respect of the same the Purchaser will immediately pay through the amount of any tax withheld.
9.5 the Artist is engaged by the Purchaser as an independent contractor. This Agreement does not create a relationship between the parties of employer and employee, principal and agent or partnership.
9.6 This Agreement will be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of New South Wales and the parties submit to the jurisdiction in Sydney in the courts of New South Wales